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  3. Flyer, Poster, and Chalking Policy

Flyer, Poster, and Chalking Policy

Policy Author: Dr. Kerry Spicer, Vice President for Student Affairs

Effective Date of Policy: September 3, 2024

Responsible Office-Department: Student Affairs

Policy Narrative: 

Posting on University property is a privilege extended for the purpose of communicating information about events, activities, programs, or services related to educational, social, research, professional, or volunteer opportunities relevant to the University community.


  1. Designated Spaces are areas approved in advance by the University for postings. Designated spaces will be labeled as such and may be located within certain buildings and in outdoor areas. Some facilities and buildings may have no designated areas. 
  2. Non-designated spaces are areas not approved for the posting of flyers, posters, or chalking.
  3. Post/posting is the placement of any temporary sign, placard, flyer, banner, card, leaflet, lawn sign, sandwich board, or similar publicity material, including by chalking or painting on a surface or lighting display projected on a surface. 
  4. Sponsor/host is the student organization, University department, or external group responsible for the posting. 
  5. University property is all property owned, leased, or utilized by Daemen University.

Purpose of this Policy:

This policy is designed to foster the exchange of information and ideas within the University community while properly maintaining the use of University buildings and facilities. Permission to post materials, whether physical or digital, does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or support by the University for the views, opinions, programs, or activities of the users, speakers, presenters, or organizers. The posting organization or department is solely responsible for the views and activities related to the posted material.

Scope and Applicability of this Policy:

This policy applies to all Daemen University students, faculty, staff, affiliates, contractors, and visitors. 

Proposed Procedures for Policy Implementation:

General Posting Rules for Flyers and Posters

  1. Posting in the John R. Yurtchuk Student Center and Dun Scotus Hall by registered student organizations, University Departments, and external groups requires review and approval via an official stamp by Student Affairs. This stamp indicates the proposed posting has met the requirements for posting on university property. To receive approval for posting, materials, and items, all materials must contain the following information:
    1. Name of the sponsoring organization
    2. Admission cost (if any)
    3. Title of program, event, or activity
    4. Date, time, location of the program, event, or activity
  1. Postings by sponsors in all academic and administrative buildings do not require approval by Student Affairs, but they must adhere to the general posting procedures outlined below.
  1. Postings should avoid damaging the surfaces on which they are affixed or interfering with their operation. 
  1. Posting on hallway/public area doors, machinery, vending machines, receptacles, elevators, restrooms, painted or masonry walls, ceilings, street lamps, emergency phones, directional and street signage, or floors is not permitted.
  1. Leaflets or flyers may not be distributed inside or outside the parking areas or placed on vehicles. 
  1. Designated spaces approved for posting are meant to be shared with others in the University community. Sponsor groups are allowed no more than 2 flyers or posters for the same event, activity, or service to be posted on any individual designated space.  These spaces are not to be monopolized by posted materials for one group or event. 
  1. All materials must be removed within 48 hours following the event or program. If an event, program, or activity does not have a designated date and time, the posting will be removed in a timely manner by the University. 
  1. All postings in university-owned, leased, or affiliated residential facilities must follow Daemen University Residence Life posting guidelines. 

Chalking on Campus

  1. Registered student organizations, University departments, and external groups may request permission to chalk on University property. 
  1. Chalking is not permitted on stairs, buildings, patios, covered areas, walls, or any other surface not approved by Student Affairs. 
  1. Chalking must be done with water-soluble chalk and approved by Student Affairs. 
  1. Any chalking that violates University policy or the student handbook may be removed by the University and subject to disciplinary action. 
Updated on September 4, 2024

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