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Athletic Training Program Policy

Policy Author:
Athletic Training Chair

Responsible Office – Department:
Athletic Training Department

Effective Date of Policy:
Fall 2021


Establish rules and regulations concerning participation in the Athletic Training
Program (ATP)



Policy Narrative:

I. Academic Dishonesty Policy

Please refer to the Daemen University Policy at the link below:

II. Active Communicable and/or Infectious Disease

Universal Precautions – Since medical history and examination cannot reliably identify all patients infected with HIV or other blood-borne pathogens, blood and body fluid precautions should be consistently used for ALL patients. This approach, previously recommended by the CDC, and referred to as “Universal Precautions”, should be used in the care of ALL patients, especially including those in emergency-care settings in which the risk of blood exposure is increased and the infection status of the patient is usually unknown.

Taken from: Recommendation for Prevention of HIV Transmission in Health Care Settings, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia 30333.
**ATP students are required to sign an Active Communicable and/or Infectious Disease
Policy Verification Form.

  1. All health-care workers should routinely use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent skin and mucous-membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids of any patient is Gloves should be worn for touching blood and body fluids, mucous membranes, or non-intact skin for all patients, for handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids, and for performing venipuncture and other vascular access procedures. PPE should be changed after contact with each patient. PPE such as masks and protective eyewear or face shields should be worn during procedures that are likely to generate droplets of blood or other body fluids to prevent exposure of mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. Gowns or aprons should be worn during procedures that are likely to generate splashes of blood or other body fluids.
  1. Hands and other skin surfaces should be washed immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood or other body parts. Hands should be washed, for a minimum of 30 seconds, immediately after gloves are removed.
  2. All health-care workers should take precautions to prevent injuries caused by needles, scalpels, and other sharp instruments or devices during procedures; when cleaning used instruments; during disposal of used needles; and when sharp instruments after to prevent needle stick injuries, needles should not be recapped, purposely bent or broken by hand, removed from disposable syringes, or otherwise manipulated by hand. After they are used, disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades, and other sharp items should be placed in puncture-
    resistant containers for disposal; the puncture-resistant containers should be located as close as practical to the use area. Large-bore reusable needles should be placed in a puncture resistant container for transport to the reprocessing area.
  3. Although saliva has not been implicated in HIV transmission, to minimize the need for emergency mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, or other ventilation devices should be available for use in areas in which the need for resuscitation is predictable.
  4. Health-care workers who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct patient care and from handling patient-care equipment until the condition resolves. Pregnant health-care workers are not known to be at a greater risk of contracting HIV infection than health-care workers who are not pregnant; however, if a health-care worker develops HIV infection during pregnancy, the fetus is at risk of infection resulting from perinatal transmission. Because of this risk, pregnant health-care workers should be especially familiar with and strictly adhere to precautions to minimize the risk of HIV transmission. Implementation of universal blood and body-fluid precautions for ALL patients eliminates the need for use of the isolation category of “Blood and Body Fluid Precautions” previously recommended by the CDC for patients known or suspected to be infected with blood-borne pathogens. Isolation precautions should be used as necessary if associated conditions, such as infectious diarrhea or tuberculosis, are diagnosed or suspected.
III. ATP Student Illness Policy

If you become ill, please inform the ATP, CEC, and your Preceptor so precautions can be taken to prevent infecting others. This may include arrangements to alter your clinical education experience schedule. We do not want students to infect patients/student-athletes or other providers. ATP Students are to follow Daemen University illness and COVID policy and report to the CEC and preceptor. CHIP center link below:


IV. Blood-Borne Pathogen Training

All ATP students must complete annual blood-borne pathogen training.

In the event of an exposure to a Blood-Borne Pathogen, notify your preceptor immediately. For immediate care, you are to follow the post exposure plan of your clinical site as facilitated by your preceptor. In the event of an exposure to a Blood- Borne Pathogen on the Daemen University campus (whether in didactic education or clinical education), notify your course instructor or preceptor immediately. For immediate care, you are to follow the post exposure plan found in the Biosafety Manual maintained by the Natural Science Department at Daemen University.

For any exposure, you are required to report this exposure to the Program Director and the CEC (CEC) following the execution of the post exposure plan. You are also required to furnish the Program Director and CEC with written documentation of permission to return to working with patients following the conclusion of the post exposure plan.

V. Clinical Supervision Policy

All ATP Students assigned clinical education experiences (e.g., ATH 590, 592, 593, 594 & 595) will be conducted under the direct supervision of a qualified preceptor.

  • Supervision: Supervision occurs along a developmental continuum that allows a student to move from interdependence to independence based on the student’s knowledge and skills as well as the context of care. Preceptors must be on-site and have the ability to intervene on behalf of the athletic training student and the patient. Supervision also must occur in compliance with the state practice act of the state in which the student is engaging in client/patient care.
  • Preceptor: Preceptors supervise and engage students in clinical education. All preceptors must be licensed health care professionals and be credentialed by the state in which they practice. Preceptors who are athletic trainers are state credentialed (in states with regulation), certified, and in good standing with the Board of Certification. A preceptor’s licensure must be appropriate to his or her profession. Preceptors must not be currently enrolled in the professional ATP at the institution.
  • Additional notes:
    • The number of students assigned to a preceptor in each clinical setting will be monitored to ensure a ratio that is sufficient to ensure effective clinical learning and safe patient care.
    • Athletic training clinical experiences are supervised by a preceptor who is an athletic trainer or a physician.
    • Annotation: Note that supplemental clinical experience opportunities involve other health care providers as preceptors, but these opportunities would not fulfill clinical experience requirements

ATP Students will often have the opportunity to travel with teams to away events. The ATP prohibits any unsupervised student travel without a preceptor present. ATP Students are not to be viewed or used as a replacement for professional athletic training staff or medical personnel. When traveling, the ATP Student must adhere to all policies in which the other team members are subject. This includes, but is not limited to, dress codes, curfews, meeting times, and professional behavior.

VI. Confidentiality of Medical Records (HIPPA)

All ATP students will be issued and are required to sign the “Oath of Confidentiality” (HIPAA) Statement.

Confidentiality of the patient’s medical records must be maintained at all times, as these are considered legal documents. Records are not permitted to leave the secured designated area of the clinical instruction site. Any questions or concerns from the press, professional scouts, game/event management staff, institution administrators, sports information personnel, opposing team personnel, spectators, or other bystanders must be directed to the Head Athletic Trainer, Preceptor, or Head Coach. If medical records are to be requested by the ATP Student for a case study then the ATP Student must fill out an Athletic Training Student Request for Medical Records Release Form and have it approved by both the patient and the Head Athletic Trainer, Preceptor and/or other designated clinical instruction site administrator (i.e.: Athletic Director, Sports Information, Medical Director, Medical Records Administrator, etc.) prior to accessing or using any information obtained from such records. This form, once signed, limits the ATP Student to only accessing the medical records of the patient and injury noted on the form. This signed form does not allow for the medical records to be taken out of the facility or photocopied under any circumstances.

Anyone associated with access to documents that are the property of the Clinical Instruction Sites will fully comply with all regulations set forth by the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

ATP Students must remember that discussing the status of a patient with other non-medical providers is forbidden. This is considered a breach of confidentiality. Any oral conversation that is overheard will violate the privacy of patients in addition information shared via email, text or social media without patient permission is a violation. During the clinical education experience, breach of confidentiality is one of the most serious violations that can occur. This may result in removal from the clinical education experience but could ultimately result in suspension or dismissal from the Daemen University ATP.

A summary of the HIPAA policy rule can be found at: http://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for- professionals/privacy/laws-regulations/index.html

VII. Phones

Cell phones should be turned off or put on vibrate while students are present at clinical education sites. Only in emergencies should students use his/her cell phone. No personal phone calls, text messaging, etc. should occur while students are present at clinical education sites unless authorized by your preceptor. Failure to comply with cell phone policies could result in dismissal from the clinical site.

VIII. Clinical Site Weather/Emergency Closure Policy

Individual institutions/facilities have different criteria for forcing a closure due to weather, emergencies, or other reasons. If Daemen University Amherst Campus is closed the student is not required to go to the clinical site. If the Clinical Education Site closes due to weather or for other unplanned reasons, all ATP Students assigned to that Clinical Site are not required to go but MUST contact their Preceptor to determine the change in schedule. ATP Student safety is of utmost importance; all ATP Students and Preceptors are expected to respect and follow institutional/facility advisories, governmental or law enforced driving/travel bans that would preclude safe student travel to and from home to clinical education experience site.

Procedure for class cancellations due to weather is available on the Daemen University website at: www.daemen.edu.


All ATP Students are required to be CPR/AED certified following the most current international Emergency Cardiac Care guidelines. Examples of vendors are: American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers, American Red Cross CPR for Professional Rescuers, and Emergency Care and Safety Institute HealthCare Provider CPR. CPR/AED certification is required by the start of the first day at the clinical education site and must be maintained throughout all clinical education experiences. CPR/AED certification and recertification is integrated within the ATP curriculum. An electronic copy of the CPR/AED is kept with the CEC in the student’s file. Hard copies will be provided to Preceptors and/or Clinical Education Site administrators upon request.

X. Dress Code
  • ATP Students are expected to wear appropriate attire to Clinical Education Sites at all times.
    • ATP Students should always strive to wear athletic training logo shirts when present at clinical education. Shirts must always look professional.
    • Business casual dress is appropriate dress for all clinical settings.
    • Pants should be khaki, navy, black. Blue jeans are not permitted while present at clinical education sites. Dress shorts are acceptable for warm weather or indoor events when appropriate.
    • Hats are allowed outside on occasion, but must be clean, in good shape, and must not display another team’s logo (or advertisements) on them. Hats are not permitted when working indoor events or in the Athletic Training Room.
    • Footwear should be appropriate for setting.
    • Weather-appropriate attire is encouraged.
  • Hair and facial hair should be well-kempt and professional so as to not interfere with patient care.
  • ATP Students should wear the Daemen provided name tag during all clinical education assignments
XI. Failure of Clinical Education Experience

All clinical education experience (ATH 590, ATH 592, ATH 593, ATH 594 & ATH 595) grades are determined by the ATP CEC in collaboration with the clinical site or Preceptor. As soon as any difficulties are discovered by the ATP CEC, Preceptor or student, the ATP CEC immediately notifies the ATP PD, contacts all parties, and puts into place an appropriate interventions that may assist all parties in making the placement a positive and successful experience.

The grading of all clinical education experiences will be based on the Preceptor’s overall assessment using the forms provided by Daemen University as well as the ATP CEC’s interpretation of the clinical education experience for that given student. This assessment is completed at the mid-term and at the end of each experience and following all affiliate visits, follow-up phone calls, and any necessary interventions.

If a student fails a clinical education experience, which is determined by the ATP CEC at Daemen University, they are required to repeat the experience in a similar clinical environment once a period of remedial work has been completed. Scheduling of this repeat clinical education experience will be completed by the ATP CEC as time allows. If a student fails two clinical education experiences, the student is subject to dismissal from the ATP as per departmental policy.

XII. Grade Appeal Policy

Grade appeal information can be found in the Daemen University Student Handbook at:

XIII. Grievances Policy

Students within the ATP are strongly encouraged to address concerns and attempt to resolve disputes directly with the individual(s) involved. It is understood that situations may arise in which assistance in resolving conflicts is necessary. In these situations, students are encouraged to present the case to the ATP Program Director for advice and assistance in resolving the problem. The ATP Program Director will work with the student and the involved party (ies) to find an acceptable solution. In the event the dispute involves the ATP Program Director, the student should present the case to the Chair of the Athletic Training Department (if different from the Program Director) or to the ATP CEC (if Chair of Athletic Training Department is also the Program Director) for assistance in resolving the problem. If satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student should follow the steps that are outlined in the Daemen University Student Handbook.

If a dispute involves a decision that affects the student’s status within the ATP (i.e., non- acceptance, probation, or dismissal), the student can appeal the decision by presenting (in writing) strong rationale to support his or her case to the Athletic Training Department. The student may then be invited to meet with the department to defend their case. Upon review the department will provide a written response to the student. If satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student should follow the procedures outlined in the Daemen University Student Handbook.

The Daemen University Student Handbook can be found at the link below:

XIV. Health Insurance

All ATP Students must have health insurance prior to beginning clinical educational experiences. Please go to the Daemen University Health and Insurance Services Office for assistance (716-839-8446) or go to https://www.daemen.edu/student-life/student-services/health-and-insurance-services

XV. Instruction and Evaluation of Competencies

Competencies are instructed and evaluated by faculty members through class laboratory practice and practical exams that are associated with the corresponding AT courses.

Preceptors evaluate the Competencies contained within the corresponding Practical Application course, i.e., ATH 590, 592, 593, 594.

XVI. Laboratory Practical Exam Proficiency

Students must attain a minimum proficiency of 80% on all laboratory practical examinations in the ATP before being permitted to practice lab skills on patients in the clinical education component of the Program. If a student does not achieve the minimum proficiency (>80%) in the laboratory practical exam, the student will be required to retake all or part of the laboratory practical exam. Following an unsatisfactory (<80%) laboratory practical grade, the student will meet with the faculty member to review and retake the practical. This time period should not exceed 14 days. If the student is successful (>80%) in the first retake of the laboratory practical exam, the practical grade to be awarded to the student will be an 80%. If the student is unsuccessful (<80%) in the first retake attempt of the practical exam a remediation process will involve all AT faculty to develop a remediation plan for the student. The student will then take part in the remediation plan and attempt a second retake of the laboratory practical exam; this is not to exceed a 30-day time period. The second retake of the laboratory practical exam will be graded by two independent faculty members (the original grader and another Athletic Training Faculty member). If the student is successful (>80%) in the second retake of the laboratory practical exam, the practical grade to be awarded to the student will be a 70%. A maximum of two laboratory practical examination retakes may be employed for one practical exam. If the student is still unsuccessful in achieving the minimum standard proficiency (>80%) after two retakes, the student may subsequently earn a non-satisfactory grade for the course. If the remediation process is unable to be completed in the time frame of the semester, the student will receive an incomplete for the course. Any non-satisfactory course grades or grades of incomplete may delay clinical education, and thus progression in the ATP.

XVII. Malpractice Insurance

The University carries Student Professional Liability insurance which covers the ATP students during their clinical education experiences. Clinical sites are provided a copy of this certificate annually.

XVIII. Off-Campus Clinical Education Experiences

ATP Students will have some clinical education experience assignments at local high schools, physical therapy clinics, physicians’ offices, etc. The ATP Student’s clinical schedule will mirror that of their assigned Preceptor’s schedule. In addition, professional expectations, i.e., dress code, may be different than previous clinical education site expectations. Clinical education experiences are mandatory, discuss your class schedule with your preceptor to develop a clinical education schedule that does not present a class conflict. Outside employment and social schedules are secondary to clinical education experiences. ATP Students should not call clinical education sites to request time off or ask if he or she is needed. ATP Students are automatically expected to be present at clinical education experiences, unless instructed otherwise.

XIX. Outside Employment

It is understood that many students must work outside jobs to finance their education, but outside employment must be kept in perspective. Outside employment cannot interfere with athletic training clinical education experiences. It is recommended that ATP Students do not participate in more than 10-12 hours per week in outside work activities. Please do not let outside employment or other extracurricular activities take priority over coursework/grades and clinical education.

XX. Participation in Varsity or Club Sports

Due to the number of clinical education experience hours required of ATP Students,
participation in a varsity or club sport while enrolled in the program may require additional time (i.e., an extra year or more) to complete the ATP curriculum. If a student chooses to participate in a varsity or club sport while enrolled in the ATP (i.e., 1st or 2nd-yr MSAT student), the ATP Director and/or CEC will meet with the student and the student’s coach to develop a plan that spells out the timeline as well as expectations of all parties for completion of the ATP curriculum. Intramural sport participation typically does not create conflicts with the ATP curriculum.

XXI. Physical Examinations and Health Forms

ATP Students are required to undergo a physical examination annually. A copy of the completed health form must be sent to the Daemen University CHIP Center/Health and Insurance Services Office (HISO) for review prior to the beginning of the clinical education experience. The health form is available through the Daemen University CHIP/HISO (716-
839- 8446) and through the link below.


The Daemen University CHIP/HISO will also provide the student with a list of current immunizations and will apprise the student of what is needed. All physical examination records are housed in the Daemen University CHIP/HISO. The ATP CEC will send a roster of currently enrolled ATP Students (those eligible for clinical education experience) to the CHIP/HISO by approximately the first week of July. The CHIP/HISO will verify physical examination date, required immunizations, and health insurance for each. Any missing or required documentation will be communicated to the ATP Students by the CHIP/HISO. The deadline for completion of the above is one week prior to the first day of the assigned clinical education experience. The CHIP/HISO will complete verification of the physical examination, immunizations, and health insurance card for each student. Electronic copies of the physical examination and immunization verification as well as a copy of the health insurance card will be kept in each student’s confidential file.

XXII. Preseason Attendance

All ATP Students will be required to report for pre-season training camps prior to the beginning of semester classes. Failure to report for pre-season may result in dismissal from the ATP.

XXIII. Professionalism Policy

Students are expected to exhibit professional behavior at all times while enrolled in the Daemen University MSAT Program. Professional behavior is based on the NATA Code of Ethics and includes the following: respect for others, compliance with the laws and regulations that govern the practice of Athletic Training, maintenance, and promotion of high standards in all classroom and clinical educational environments, and engagement in activities that promote the profession. It is the expectation of this MSAT program that all MSAT students will hold themselves and others in the highest regard while interacting with peers, educators, preceptors, patients, and the community, both on and off campus. MSAT students are expected to maintain privacy of each other and of patients. MSAT students are expected to only engage in clinical educational opportunities that are pre- arranged by the MSAT Clinical Coordinator. If a student wishes to pursue a clinical opportunity outside of the pre-arranged clinical education opportunities, the student must first have approval from the MSAT Program. It is also the expectation that any MSAT student that is aware of any unethical misconduct will report this misconduct to the MSAT Program Director. In addition, students are expected to follow and abide by all MSAT Program Policies as set forth in the Student Handbook (ATP and Daemen University).

XXIV. Requests for time-off from Clinical Education Experience
  • For requests of one (1) day off, the ATP Student must make a request of the
    Preceptor, who will decide whether permission for the absence will be approved.
    The student must have a reasonable excuse (i.e., funeral) to be excused from the
    clinical education experience.
  • ATP Students are expected to contact the CEC with any requests for two (2) or
    more days off from the clinical education. If the request is granted, the CEC will
    contact the Preceptor, the student will then speak with the Preceptor to formally
    request the time off. Any approval of time off is at the discretion of the Preceptor.
    The student will notify the CEC if permission is granted.
  • The student will be granted time off for holidays in accordance with the clinical
    education site and or Preceptor’s schedule.
  • In case of illness, refer to section V. ATS illness
  • Long term absence may result in an incomplete grade for the course. Please see
XXV. Social Media Policy

ATP Students should adhere to best practices as indicated in the article Social Media and Health Care Professionals: Benefits, Risks, and Best Practices

XXVI. Student Withdrawal and Refund of Tuition and Fees Policy

Go to the link below:

XXVII. Team Travel – Alcohol and Drugs

The AT program has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to alcohol and drug consumption.

XXVIII. Unlawful Harassment Including Sexual Assault

This information is available in the Daemen University Student Handbook which can be found at: https://policies.daemen.edu/knowledge-base/sexual-violence-and-assault/

Updated on April 3, 2023

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