Grading Policy

Policy Author:

Responsible Office – Department:

Effective Date of Policy:
August 23rd, 2021


Establish guidelines around addressing grade appeals


Students and Faculty

Policy Narrative:


Grade Reports

Grades are accessible to students online. At mid-term, grades are reported for those courses in which work is deficient (C grade or lower). Final grades are reported at the end of each term. With the exception of the Unauthorized Withdrawal (UW) grade, mid-term grades are not recorded on the student’s transcript. Students earning mid-term and/or final grades which are deficient (C- grade or lower) should contact their academic advisor to discuss the next appropriate course of action to be taken.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Quality points are the values assigned to a course on the basis of the grade received. The scholastic standing of a student is determined by course grades and is expressed as a cumulative grade point average. The grade point average is the ratio of quality points earned to the number of credits in which letter grades (A-F) are earned.

The Daemen University transcript will reflect all courses taken at Daemen, both undergraduate and graduate, if applicable. Three cumulative grade point averages are indicated as part of the student’s record: undergraduate; graduate; combined undergraduate and graduate. The division (undergraduate or graduate) in which a student is enrolled at the time of completion of the course determines the GPA in which a course is included. Students classified in the undergraduate division who have attended two or more semesters and whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 are not considered institutionally to be in good standing.  Each academic program has criteria for acceptable performance within the program and a student’s continuance in the program may be reviewed on the basis of such criteria. Quality points are awarded for credits earned at Daemen University, Daemen-sponsored international programs and exchanges, and cross registrations.

To improve the grade point average a student may wish to repeat a course. A student should confer with the advisor about the appropriateness of repeating a course. When a course is repeated at Daemen, only the higher grade is used in computing the grade point average, although both grades appear on the transcript. See “Repeating a Course” section for further information on course repetitions.

Grading Scale

The rating scale used in grading student’s work follows:

  • Grade Quality Points
    • A range: A/A-:  Excellent
      • A 4.0
      • A- 3.7
    • B range: B+/B/B-: Above Average (given for work of high quality)
      • B+ 3.3
      • B 3.0
      • B- 2.7
    • C+  and C grades: Average (given for satisfactory work, the standard performance of the university student)
      • C+ 2.3
      • C 2.0
    • C-  and D grades: Passing (given for work that is passing but below the standard set for mastery of a course and for graduation
      • C- 1.7
      • D 1.0
  • F: Failure (given for inferior work; credit can be earned only by repeating the course) 0.0
  • AU: Audit (satisfactory, but not for credit)
  • AX: Audit (unsatisfactory due to non-attendance)
  • I: Incomplete (given when a course has been left incomplete with respect to specific assignments, which may include the final examination)
  • W: Withdrawal (given when courses are dropped after the last day for drop/add and no later than the last day for authorized withdrawal)UW: Unauthorized Withdrawal (may be given until midterm to students not attending but not officially withdrawn

The mark of Incomplete will be assigned only in cases of illness or prolonged or repeated absences for reasons beyond the control of the student, and only if the student has a substantial equity in the course. Unless an earlier deadline is given by the instructor, students receiving Incomplete grades have until the end of the subsequent semester (regardless of enrollment in that semester) to complete the work. Students should consult with the course instructor regarding the exact day when all outstanding work for the course must be completed. (The student should NOT re-register for the course in that subsequent semester.) The instructor is required to submit to the Registrar’s office the change in grade from Incomplete by the day when grades are due for that semester.

An Incomplete grade which has not been repaired by the deadline will automatically be converted to a grade of “F” on the student’s transcript. At the instructor’s sole discretion, an Incomplete grade may be extended for an additional semester if circumstances warrant. Any further extension would require a formal petition from the student to the Committee on Academic Standards through the Associate Dean of the University. Once an Incomplete grade turns to a grade of “F”, a student must re-register for the course if he/she wishes to earn credit for that course. Students with grades of Incomplete are not eligible for Dean’s List status until all Incomplete grades for the semester have been changed.

The grade of UW (unauthorized withdrawal) is given at mid-term to students who are consistently not attending class but who have not officially withdrawn. There is no tuition refund for an unauthorized withdrawal. Students may not resume attendance in classes for which UW grades have been assigned. Any student wishing to appeal the assignment of a UW grade should consult with the instructor assigning the grade, and may appeal to the Committee on Academic Standards if the matter is not resolved at the student-instructor level.

Pass/Fail Grading: Applicable only to designated credit or non-credit courses:

  • P Pass (credit granted; no quality points assigned)
  • F Fail (no credit granted for the course; no quality points earned; and the F factors into the grade point average [GPA] )
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading:

The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading scale is implemented at the student’s request and with the following stipulations: applicable to courses credited as free electives only for the student’s major; not applicable to courses which are part of the major and/or declared minor, or prerequisites to such studies; limited to 12 credits total.  Students opting for S/U grading must meet the following criteria: must have earned a minimum of 24 credits at Daemen University; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00; have a declared major.  The student must file the completed S/U grading request form (including all required signatures) with the Registrar’s Office by the last day for drop/add for the term in which the course is being taken.  S/U grading has no impact on the GPA.

  • S Satisfactory (credit granted; no quality points assigned; applies to courses in which the instructor assigns a grade of A through D)
  • U Unsatisfactory (no credit granted; no quality points assigned; applies to courses in which the instructor assigns a grade of F)

NOTE: The letter grade earned may be recovered upon filing the completed grade recovery request form (including all required signatures) with the Registrar’s Office, and in instances when: due to a change of major or declaration of minor(s), the course is now required as part of the declared major/minor; the student has more than the allowed 12 credits in S/U graded courses; the letter grade is required by a graduate or professional school.

Midterm deficiency (C- and below)

Grades and final grades are submitted electronically through the online Self-Service system. Please take special note of our UW and I grade options. The grade of UW (unauthorized withdrawal) should be given at mid-term to students who are not attending class but who have not officially withdrawn. Students may not resume attendance in classes for which UW grades have been assigned. A student may appeal your assignment of a UW grade by first consulting with you and thereafter petitioning the Committee on Academic Standards if the matter is not resolved at the student-instructor level. The I grade (Incomplete) may be given at your discretion, upon request of the student and only if the  student has substantial equity in the course. A student receiving an I grade has until the end of the subsequent semester to complete work in your course unless you set an earlier deadline. As a part-time instructor, you may wish either to set an earlier deadline or consult with your department chair on how a student would complete your course in the event you are not employed at Daemen during the following semester. Please be aware that there is no compensation made for working with students clearing Incomplete grades.

Dean’s List

A matriculated undergraduate student who attains a grade point average of 3.30 in any one semester is eligible for the Dean’s List provided he/she has been enrolled for twelve credit hours of course work, nine of which must be in course work which utilizes the letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) scale.


Grading Scale 

Graduate students are required to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale throughout their academic program. Graduate courses will be graded on the following scale:

Grade                             Quality Points 

A   Superior achievement                 4.00

A-                                       3.70

B+  Satisfactory                         3.30

B                                        3.00

B-  Achievement below expectation        3.00

C                                        2.70

F   Failure; no academic credit          2.00

I   Incomplete                           0.00

AU Audit                                 ---

(satisfactory, but not for credit)

AX Audit Unsatisfactory                  ---
(given when courses are dropped after the last day for drop/add and no later than the last day for authorized withdrawal)
W Withdrawal                             ---

(may be given until midterm to students not attending but not officially withdrawn)

UW Unauthorized Withdrawal

Grades of B- and C are considered unsatisfactory at the graduate level and may result in a review of the student’s record by the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards. 
The following graduate courses are graded on a Pass/Fail basis: 

ABA730 	Supervised Practicum and Seminar In Applied Behavior
ABA731 	Supervised Practicum With Experience in Hours in Applied 
        Behavior Analysis I 
ABA732 	Supervised Practicum With Experience In Applied Behavior 
        Analysis 2 
ABA733 	Supervised Practicum With Experience Hours in Applied 
        Behavior Analysis 3 
ABA734 	Supervised Practicum With Experience Hours in Applied 
        Behavior Analysis 4 
ABA735 	Supervised Practicum With Experience Hours in Applied 
        Behavior Analysis 5 
ABA740	Applied Behavior Analysis Capstone Research Project 
AE 579 	Student Teaching and Seminar at the Intermediate 
        Education Secondary Level (7-9)(content-specific) 
AE 580 	Student Teaching and Seminar at the Senior Secondary 
        Level (10-12) (content-specific) 
AE 699	Research Project in Education 
CE 575 	Student Teaching and Seminar in Childhood Education 
CE 699 	Research Project in Education 
LEAD 540 	Research Project/Thesis in Leadership and 
                Innovation I 
LEAD 541 	Research Project/Thesis in Leadership and 
                Innovation II  
MGT 650 	Directed Research* 
NUR 604S 	Thesis Introductory Seminar 
NUR 604 	Thesis 
NUR 605S 	Project Introductory Seminar 
NUR 605 	Project 
SED 570 	Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar 
                at the Primary Level for Children with 
SED 580 	Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar 
                at the Intermediate Level for Children 
                with Disabilities 
SED 699 	Research Project in Special Education 

* May be graded Pass/Fail or using the graduate letter grade scale. 

The mark of incomplete will be assigned only in cases of illness or prolonged or repeated absences for reasons beyond the control of the student, and only if the student has substantial equity in the course. Unless an earlier deadline is given by the instructor, students receiving incomplete grades have until the end of the subsequent semester (regardless of enrollment in that semester) to complete the work. Students should consult with the course instructor regarding the exact date when all outstanding work for the course must be completed. (The student should not register for the course in that subsequent semester.) An incomplete grade that has not been repaired by the deadline will automatically be converted to a grade of “F” on the student’s transcript. At the instructor’s sole discretion, an Incomplete grade may be extended for an additional semester if circumstances warrant. Any further extension would require a formal petition from the student to the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards. A recommendation from the course instructor is required. Once an Incomplete grade turns to a grade of “F,” a student must reregister for the course if he/she wishes to earn credit for the course. 

The grade of UW (unauthorized withdrawal) is given at midterm to students who are not attending class but who have not officially withdrawn. There is no tuition refund for an unauthorized withdrawal. Students may not resume attendance in classes for which UW grades have been assigned. Any student wishing to appeal the assignment of a UW grade should consult with the instructor assigning the grade, and may appeal to the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards if the matter is not resolved at the student-instructor level.

Graduate Thesis/Project Grading Policies 

Specific details on graduate thesis/project requirements for each program may be found in the departmental sections of the Daemen web site and this Catalog. For those graduate programs offering thesis/project for variable credit — allowing a student to register over several terms until the thesis/project is completed — the following grading procedure is used. Either the grade of P (pass) or F (fail) is assigned in all semesters preceding the final semester of registration. The Pass grade carries credit, has no quality point value, and reflects satisfactory work in progress. The F grade reflects credit attempted but not earned and carries a quality point value of 0, thereby requiring that the student re-register for and successfully complete the course in order to be granted credit. In the final semester of registration for thesis/project, the earned grade (Pass, Pass Complete (PC), Fail or letter grade, as per individual program policy) is given. A grade of Incomplete (I) may also be given, if warranted, allowing a student an additional semester for thesis/project completion.

Grade Reports

Grades are accessible to students online and are published at the end of each term.

Academic Standing: Probation, Dismissal, Appeal

A graduate student whose semester or cumulative GPA falls below 3.00 in any one term is automatically placed on probation and will receive written notification of his/her status from the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards, which reviews the student’s academic record. A student incurring academic probation: a) is required to meet with his or her advisor and b) must fully comply with all recommendations of the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards. Failure to attain good academic standing will result in dismissal from the University. A student who gives evidence of very poor scholarship may be subject to dismissal at the end of any semester whether or not he or she previously incurred probation. Students may appeal decisions of the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards by writing the Committee in care of its Chair. Appeals are to include pertinent supporting documentation, recommendations from faculty, and substantial evidence of the student’s ability to improve his or her academic performance.

For more information on Daemen’s Academic Standing Policy, please see here (link coming soon).

Repeating A Course

It may be necessary for a student to repeat a course to achieve a satisfactory grade. Students are encouraged to discuss the matter with their advisors. When a course is repeated, only the higher grade is used in computing the student’s GPA, although both grades appear on the transcript. A student who earns below a B when repeating a course will be subject to review by the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards.


GRADE APPEAL PROCEDURE (Undergraduate and Graduate the same)
  1. A student with questions or complaints about an assigned final course grade shall first discuss the matter with the course instructor within 30 days of the posting of the grade. In the event of serious illness or absence from Western New York (or other instructional site vicinity) of either the student or the faculty member, an extension may be granted by the appropriate divisional dean. The instructor is expected to provide an appropriate explanation of the student’s grade and, if the student’s appeal is meritorious, to be willing to change the grade. 
  2.  If the student’s concerns remain unresolved following discussion with the instructor, the student may appeal in writing to the chair of the department in which the grade was given. This written appeal must be made within 15 days of the instructor’s determination in Step 1 above. All supporting documentation must be submitted at this time, with the written appeal. The department chair shall review the student’s appeal and consult with the course instructor. The department chair may support the instructor’s evaluation or may recommend to the instructor that the grade be changed. (If the department chair is the course instructor whose grade is under appeal, the divisional dean shall handle the appeal at this stage.) It will be the responsibility of the student to demonstrate that the grade should be changed. 
  3.  Should the complaint still remain unresolved, the student’s appeal shall be forwarded to an ad hoc grade appeal committee comprising: all full-time faculty within the department, including the department chair and, if fewer than three full-time faculty, members of the Departmental Personnel Advisory Committee (see Faculty Handbook section V. C. for composition of a DPAC), the dean of the division in which the department is housed, unless the grade under appeal has been given by said dean (or the dean is a member of the departmental faculty as described above), in which event the dean of the other division shall serve; and two faculty members from the Committee on Academic Standards – one to be chosen by the student and one by the course instructor. If the grade under appeal is given by a part-time faculty member, he or she will also be invited to join the committee. 

Formal minutes will be taken of the meeting. The first committee meeting will be called by the department chair. If the grade under appeal has been given by the department chair, the first meeting will be called by the divisional dean. The 50 committee shall convene within two weeks of receiving the written appeal. Members who are unable to be physically present may participate electronically. At the discretion of the divisional dean, a member with extenuating circumstances may be excused from participation and/or allowed to furnish his/her input in advance of the meeting. In cases where fewer than three departmental faculty are in attendance, the dean may appoint faculty from the same division to serve. 

This committee shall examine all pertinent documentation, may interview the student and the course instructor, in person or electronically, or consult with any other parties it may deem appropriate. The divisional dean shall act in a non-voting, advisory capacity with regard to observance of all pertinent University policies and procedures. The ad hoc grade appeal committee shall render its written decision to the student and faculty member within seven days. The committee may recommend that the instructor change the grade; if the instructor refuses, s/he shall provide a written explanation to the committee within seven days. In the event of extenuating circumstances, this deadline may be extended at the discretion of the divisional dean. Should the committee find the instructor’s explanation unpersuasive, it will recommend to the department chair that the grade be changed. If, following consultation with the instructor, the instructor still refuses to change the grade, the department chair shall have authority to change the grade notwithstanding the objection of the instructor. (If the instructor is the department chair, the divisional dean shall handle the chair’s duties here described.) 

Grade appeal procedure for Interdisciplinary (IND) courses: The “department chair” shall be either the chair of the department in which the instructor is housed, if applicable, or the Core Director, at the discretion of the department chair (if applicable). Departmental faculty members of the ad hoc grade appeal committee shall be appointed by the Educational Policy Committee; both divisional deans shall serve; and two members of the Committee on Academic Standards shall be selected as per point 3 above.

Updated on April 3, 2023

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