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Tenure and Promotion of Full-Time Faculty

Policy Author:
Faculty Senate

Responsible Office – Department:
Faculty Senate

Effective Date of Policy:
Fall 2021


Establish the process and procedures for tenure and promotion of full-time faculty members


All full-time faculty, deans, VPAA

Policy Narrative:

Taken from Faculty Handbook:



The Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee shall meet by December 1 and consider all evidence presented by the candidates. The T & P Committee may consult faculty, student, and administrator evaluations when considering the applications. The committee shall deliberate and vote (majority vote required) on the applications by December 12. The committee will then meet with the VPAA. After such meeting, the committee shall render a written report to the President recommending or not recommending the approval of the applications. The report shall contain the committee’s rationale. The T & P Committee’s decisions will remain confidential (see Article V.D Tenure and Promotion Committee)

A. Tenure

Tenure is a permanent appointment to the faculty of the University granted by the Board of Trustees. A faculty member is tenured to the institution rather than to an individual department.  By means of tenure, a full-time faculty member achieves the security of a continuous appointment from which the faculty member cannot be dismissed without Cause. The purpose of tenure is to contribute to and protect academic freedom by providing economic security. Tenure does not guarantee a lifetime contract regardless of performance and nothing in this subsection shall restrict the University’s right to terminate a faculty member for Cause or in the case of financial exigency.  Faculty members are subject to the handbook guidelines for tenure under which they are hired.

1.  Timeline.  Full-time faculty members seeking tenure must apply no later than their sixth year on a full-time tenure-track contract at the University. If a faculty member is hired outside the traditional Amherst campus calendar starting date in September, the initial contract should clarify the tenure application year, which is not to exceed the sixth year of full-time teaching and no later than the next fall term.  If tenure is denied (see Article X.E Tenure Denial Appeal Process), or if no application is made by the sixth year, a terminal contract shall be issued for the following year.  While it is permissible for a candidate to apply for tenure prior to the sixth year, candidates are strongly advised to consult with their Department Chair, Dean and VPAA before doing so. If the application is denied, a terminal contract will be issued for the following year.

2.  Withdrawal of Application. A faculty member who wishes to withdraw a tenure application must do so by written request to the Chair of the Tenure and Promotion Committee prior to the T & P Committee’s meeting with the President. If the candidate is in the sixth year of a tenure-track contract, a terminal contract will be issued.

3.  Stopping the Tenure Clock. Ordinarily, applications for tenure must be made no later than the faculty member’s sixth year. In the event of (1) the birth or adoption of a child; (2) a serious illness on the part of the tenure-track faculty member; (3) a serious illness of a family member for whom a tenure-track faculty member has primary caretaking responsibility; (4) or that extraordinary administrative responsibilities have impeded productive scholarship and professional development, an otherwise qualified candidate for tenure may request an extension of the tenure-track period. The maximum extension allowed under this policy is two years, one year per event. 

Candidates who request stopping the tenure-track clock must submit written notification to the Department Chairperson, the Divisional Dean and the VPAA no later than September 1 of their sixth year on the tenure track. A letter indicating that this option has been exercised should be included as part of the candidate’s application materials for tenure and promotion along with supporting (non-confidential) documentation. A delay in application for tenure consistent with this policy shall not alter the departmental expectations for awarding tenure.

In the event the request is denied, the candidate must follow the usual tenure timeline

B. Criteria and Evidence for Tenure

 A positive evaluation of the candidate’s application by the Tenure and Promotion Committee affirms that it is in the best interest of Daemen University to offer the candidate a continuing appointment. In making this evaluation, the committee shall apply the following criteria based on the evidence provided by the candidate:

1. Teaching Excellence and Effectiveness.  The Daemen University mission aims to integrate “the intellectual qualities acquired through the liberal arts with the preparation necessary for professional achievement” and, as such, the candidates’ teaching is the most important criterion in evaluating their applications.

a)  Criteria: Evaluation of teaching must take into consideration an academic department’s goals; the faculty expected duties within the department; class size; the curriculum; format of delivery; and the types of instructional pedagogies. Effective teaching and its impact on learning can take place in a variety of contexts: in campus classrooms; team teaching; online instruction; in the field; in clinical settings; workshops; panels; through service learning activities, community engagement and internships; in laboratories; within on-and off-campus communities; in organizations; in education abroad settings, such as field schools; and through mentoring of students, including undergraduate and graduate student research. 

The guidelines drafted by each department can either adopt the list below as is, or specify which of the activities are required, and to what extent, for tenure and promotion to each rank.

b) Evidence/Activities:

    i.   Demonstrate consistency among the teaching philosophy, 
    student   learning outcomes, course objectives/outcomes, 
    course activities (i.e., in class activities, assignments, 
    exams), grading priorities, and curriculum design.  
      ·   Documentation of rigorous student performance 
      ·   Appropriate assessment procedures, such as course   
          syllabi, exams, and/or examples of student work.
    ii.  Incorporate active and engaging learning strategies in 
    their courses that address the various students’ learning 
    styles, aptitudes, and needs. 
      ·   Examples of innovative teaching methods;
      ·   Evidence of training or upgrading to maintain currency
          in pedagogy and in the discipline;
      ·   Course/assignment development activities and/or 
          evidence of course/assignment revision and renewal.
    iii.  Interact regularly with students outside the classroom 
     walls and the course webpage.
      ·   Availability for office hours and student 
      ·   Advisor to discipline-specific student organizations;
      ·   Advisor to students enrolled in discipline-specific 
          directed readings, such as internship, research, or 
          independent study projects;
      ·   Evidence of impact on students outside of classes, 
          including evidence of students’ postgraduate success.
     iv.  Extend the teaching and learning experiences and/or 
      expertise to other faculty and the larger academic 
      ·   Involvement in the department curriculum revisions 
          or innovations;
      ·   Involvement in the department curriculum or university 
          assessment activities;
      ·   Guest presentations in academic classes, workshops on 
          teaching-related activities, etc.
      v.  Department Specific Requirement
      ·   If applicable, to be completed by the department.
c) Examples of Supporting Evidence: 
   May include, but not limited to the following: 
      ·   course syllabi;
      ·   student evaluations;
      ·   teaching philosophy statement;
      ·   instructional materials (such as case studies, 
          labs, discussion prompts, group projects);
      ·   description of assessment activities and products 
          (such as papers, tests, performances, problem sets), 
          and other material used in connection with courses; 
      ·   copies of new course development, course redesign;
      ·   a list of professional development activities and 
          efforts at improvement; 
      ·   peer observations and evaluations; 
      ·   student performance on pre- and post-instruction 
          measures, if applicable; 
      ·   exemplary student work and outcomes; 
      ·   records of advising and mentoring; 
      ·   thesis direction.

The VPAA office will maintain the course evaluations and will provide the Tenure and Promotion Committee with access to the evaluations, written comments, and departmental evaluation summaries. Candidates are encouraged to include any other materials they deem significant in demonstrating teaching distinction.

2. Record of Scholarship and Professional Development: 

a)   CriteriaIt is the responsibility of the department, with the approval of the VPAA and Divisional Dean, to inform incoming faculty members in writing of departmental scholarship expectations. It is the candidates’ responsibility to demonstrate to the Tenure and Promotion Committee that their scholarship and professional development meet the standard for their disciplines.  Departmental guidelines may also be accessed on the Faculty Affairs webpage:


b)  Evidence of scholarship and professional development:
    May include, but is not limited to: 
      ·  publication of books, journal articles, textbooks, 
         conference proceedings, book reviews, creative writing;
      ·  performances, shows, conference paper presentations, 
         and poster presentations;
      ·  professional practice. 

Candidates are encouraged to include any other materials they deem significant in demonstrating distinction in their scholarly and professional development.

Candidates should provide the Tenure and Promotion Committee with a description of their publications, presentations, or performances as well as of their research interests. Ordinarily, the T & P Committee will place emphasis on scholarship completed while employed by Daemen University, but scholarship done at other institutions may be included as additional evidence of the candidates’ record. Candidates are encouraged to provide outside evaluation of their scholarship record.

3.  Appropriate Terminal Degree:

a)   Every department, with the approval of the VPAA and the Divisional Dean, must establish the “appropriate terminal degree” for positions in their department (see Article IX.B Criteria for Appointment). This requirement should be indicated on the contract when a faculty member is hired and should be addressed, as necessary, in the annual evaluation. 

b)  Appropriate terminal degrees per department are also posted as part of the scholarship guidelines on the Faculty Affairs webpage:


4.  Record of Service and Contributions to the University:

a)   Academic departments are required to provide faculty members with specific service guidelines for tenure and promotion. Examples of activities which would be classified toward service requirements for these guidelines include, but are not limited to, the following:
    ·    Active membership of university-wide standing/ad hoc 
         committees, subcommittees, and task forces;
    ·    Organizing invited speakers;
    ·    Moderating student organizations;
    ·    Delivering workshops to fellow faculty and/or staff;
    ·    Active participation in university-wide assessments;
    ·    Securing outside funding for University activities 
         and/or research;
    ·    Special efforts to recruit and/or retain students;
    ·    Creation of new courses, or major revisions to 
         existing courses;
    ·    Active participation in departmental Open House 
    ·    Active participation in departmental assessments, 
         accreditations, and/or curriculum development/revision;
    ·    Student advisement;
    ·    Organizing departmental off-campus activities;
    ·    Active involvement in off-campus organizations;
    ·    Delivery of invited talks at off-campus events that 
         are not considered toward scholarship;
    ·    Outreach activities serving the local community;
    ·    Active participation in diversity and inclusion 
    ·    Special efforts to enhance global education;
    ·    Service to the profession (e.g., serving as a reviewer,
         on editorial/legislative/association committees, etc.)
    ·    Active participation in departmental assigned 
         committees or administrative roles.
b)   No specific activity (such as serving on a given committee) is required to demonstrate excellence in service. The guidelines drafted by each department can either adopt the list above as is, or specify which of the above activities are required, and to what extent, for tenure and promotion to each rank.

c)  During each evaluation of a candidate, the department or DPAC should specifically address the evidence of contribution and level of participation in these activities, rather than just acknowledge completion of the activities themselves.
 C. Application Procedure for Tenure

1.  Candidates for tenure must apply with supporting materials to the Department Chairperson by October 15. A Department Chair applying for tenure must submit an application with supporting materials to the Divisional Dean by October 21. Candidates must also inform the office of the VPAA in writing of their intention to apply for tenure by September 1. The VPAA will notify the Tenure and Promotion Committee of the tenure applications and provide full applications and supporting materials to the committee by November 1. 

Faculty may assemble all materials using either a traditional paper file, in electronic form via electronic site/file with transferable ownership, or a combination of both.  (Note: submission deadlines remain the same regardless of how materials are submitted.)  

Applications must include the candidates’ credentials, all annual reviews, and evidence that they meet the tenure criteria (see Article X.B Criteria and Evidence for Tenure).  Other than course and annual evaluations, which the VPAA office will provide to the Tenure and Promotion Committee, candidates are solely responsible for producing evidence supporting their applications.  

3.  By October 21, the Department Chair shall forward all candidates’ application materials to the Divisional Dean with recommendations either supporting or opposing the candidates’ applications. The Divisional Dean shall review the applications and submit them, along with Chair and Dean recommendations, to the VPAA by November 1. Recommendations by the Department Chair and the Divisional Dean shall specifically address the candidates’ compliance with each of the criteria for tenure (see Article X.B).

4.  All tenured faculty members of the candidate’s department must write letters to the Tenure and Promotion Committee either supporting or opposing the candidate’s application. All other full-time departmental faculty members who have been at the University at least one year may, at their own discretion, write letters but are not obligated to do so. Letters from outside the candidate’s department (internal or external to the University) must be solicited by the candidate.  All faculty and solicited letters should be sent directly to the Office of the VPAA, and internal letters should address criteria for tenure (see Article X.B). 

The Office of the VPAA will provide the candidate and the Tenure and Promotion Committee with access to the annual faculty evaluations by Department Chairs and Divisional Deans by November 1. Department Chairs and Divisional Deans will directly provide copies of their letters to the candidate. All other letters received by the Tenure and Promotion Committee are confidential and will not be given to the candidates. 

If the letters contain negative information about the candidates that is not presented in the letter from the Department Chair, the Tenure and Promotion  Committee will summarize this information and present it to the candidate for response, prior to reaching a decision. The summary will be done in such a way as to ensure the confidentiality of the letters to the extent practical. The candidate will receive the information by November 22 and must respond to the T & P Committee by December 1.

5.  The Tenure and Promotion Committee will discuss each application, will vote, and will make its recommendation to the VPAA by December 12.  It will then meet with the VPAA. The T & P Committee discussion will remain confidential.

6.  The Tenure and Promotion Committee and the VPAA will meet with the President by December 20 to present their recommendations.

7.  Timeline: Tenure Application Process

Sept. 1        Notification to the VPAA of intent to apply for 

Oct. 15        Submit application and supporting materials to    
Oct. 21        Department Chair application for tenure due to 
               Divisional Dean;
               Department Chair letter for applicants due to 
               Divisional Dean with supporting materials; 
Nov. 1	       Divisional Dean letter with supporting materials 
               due to VPAA;
               VPAA notifies T&P Committee of candidate’s 
               application and provides supporting materials;
Nov. 15        T&P Committee deadline to meet;
Nov. 22        Candidate notified of any negative information 
               in confidential letters;
Dec.  1       Candidate response due to T&P Committee regarding        
              negative information;
Dec. 12       T&P makes recommendation to VPAA and arranges to        
              meet with VPAA;
Dec. 20       Deadline for T&P Committee and VPAA to meet with 
              President to make recommendation. 
D. President and Board of Trustees Tenure Approval Process

1.  Joint Recommendation of Approval:

If the Tenure and Promotion Committee recommends granting tenure, and the President concurs with this recommendation, the President shall present the joint recommendation for tenure to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall take formal action on the application within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the joint recommendation. Within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the Board’s decision, the President shall generate a letter to the candidate, stating whether tenure has been granted or denied and, if denied, the specific reasons for denial if expressed by the Board. There shall be no appeal of decisions by the Board of Trustees in this instance.

2.  Joint Recommendation of Denial:

If the Tenure and Promotion Committee recommends denial of tenure, and the President concurs with this decision, the President shall write a letter to the candidate indicating the specific reasons for the negative determination. This letter shall be sent to the candidate no later than January 12 and will notify the candidate of the right to seek review of the process by the Faculty Review Committee. A negative recommendation following joint action by the President and the T & P Committee will not be forwarded to the Board of Trustees until the review process is complete or waiver of the review process has occurred (see E.1 below).

 3.  Disagreement on Recommendation:

 If the Tenure and Promotion Committee and the President disagree on the recommendation, the President and the Chair of the T & P Committee shall present the respective views to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall then take formal action on the application, and the President shall generate the appropriate letter to the candidate.

E. Tenure Denial Appeal Process

A candidate seeking review of a negative recommendation must follow the procedure below:

1.  A letter requesting the review and identifying the reasons therefore, must be prepared by the candidate and delivered to the President and the Chair of the Tenure and Promotion Committee within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of a certified letter of negative recommendation. Failure to do so will constitute waiver of the right for a review.

2.  The Chair of the Tenure and Promotion Committee will then immediately forward the letter to the Faculty Review Committee for consideration.
3.  The scope of review by the Faculty Review Committee shall exclusively be to investigate whether proper procedures, as stated in this handbook, were followed in the tenure application process.  The Faculty Review Committee may, at its discretion, interview the candidate and other persons relevant to the candidate’s tenure application process.
4.  No later than February 15, the Faculty Review Committee shall report its opinion in writing to the President, the Tenure and Promotion Committee, and the appellant. Thereafter, the Tenure and Promotion Committee will reconvene to reconsider its decision in light of the Faculty Review Committee’s report. The opinion of the Faculty Review Committee is advisory and not binding on the T & P Committee or the University.
5.  No later than March 1, following reconsideration, the final recommendation of the Tenure and Promotion Committee shall be reported to the President. There shall be no appeal from a negative recommendation following reconsideration. The final recommendations of the T & P Committee and the President will then be presented to the Board of Trustees along with the report of the Faculty Review Committee.
6.  No later than March 10, the review process shall be complete and the case ready for presentation to the Board of Trustees.  After the decision by the Board, the President shall generate the appropriate notification letter. No contract shall be issued until the Board has made a final decision. There will be no appeal from the decision of the Board of Trustees.
F. Application Procedure for Promotion

1.  Faculty members may apply for a promotion to the next higher academic rank by submitting notice to the VPAA by September 1 and a written application to their Department Chairperson by October 15. A copy should also be sent to the office of the VPAA.

2.  The application must contain the candidates’ credentials, any pre-tenure (annual) or post-tenure (triennial) reviews (see Article VII Evaluation of Faculty), and evidence that they meet the promotion criteria (see Article IX.B Faculty Rank/Criteria for Appointment). Candidates are solely responsible for producing evidence supporting their applications. 

Faculty may assemble all materials using either a traditional paper file, in electronic form via electronic site/file with transferable ownership, or a combination of both.  (Note: submission deadlines remain the same regardless of how materials are submitted.)  

3.  All tenured departmental faculty are required to write letters addressed to the Tenure and Promotion Committee either supporting or opposing the candidate’s application.  All other full-time departmental faculty members of the candidate’s department who have been at Daemen University at least one year may, at their own discretion, write letters but are not obligated to do so. Letters from outside the candidate’s department (internal or external) are at the discretion of the candidate but must be solicited by the candidate. All authors should submit letters directly to the Office of the VPAA.

4.  The Department Chair shall forward the faculty member’s application to the Divisional Dean, with a written recommendation, no later than October 21 with a copy to the candidate. The Divisional Dean shall review the materials and forward them, with a written recommendation, to the Office of the VPAA no later than November 1 with a copy to the candidate. Recommendations prepared by Department Chairs and Divisional Deans shall specifically address the candidate’s compliance with each of the criteria for faculty rank (see Article IX.B).

5.  Additional letters of recommendation and supporting material produced by the candidate may, at the discretion of the candidate, be sent directly to the Office of the VPAA for inclusion with the candidate’s promotion application. A candidate may request verification from the VPAA office that supportive evidence has arrived.

6.  Department Chairs applying for promotion shall submit a written application to the Divisional Dean along with their credentials and other evidence that justifies the promotion no later than October 21. The Divisional Dean shall forward the application along with a recommendation and a copy to the candidate, to the Office of the VPAA by November 1.  Divisional Deans shall similarly forward their application to the Office of the VPAA.

7.  All applications for promotions, recommendations and supporting documents should be sent by the Office of the VPAA to the Tenure and Promotion Committee by November 1.

G. Criteria for Faculty Rank

1.  Generally, the nature and weight of the criteria for promotion to a particular faculty rank are the same as those for appointment to that rank (see Article IX Faculty Rank and Article X.B Criteria and Evidence for Tenure). Promotion shall be based on merit rather than years of employment at the University; however, merit can only be determined after a reasonable length of employment, ordinarily four years, at a rank within Daemen University. 

2.  If the candidate’s application receives a positive Tenure and Promotion Committee recommendation, tenure and promotion to Associate Professor rank shall be considered concurrent.  Only under rare and extenuating circumstances may the T & P Committee recommend tenure without promotion.

H. Promotion Approval Process

1. The Tenure and Promotion Committee and the VPAA shall meet with the President and present their recommendation by December 20. If the President supports a recommendation that the promotion be awarded, the President shall present this recommendation to the Board of Trustees for approval.

2.  In the event that the President’s recommendation is contrary to that of the Tenure and Promotion Committee, both the President and the Chairperson of the T & P Committee shall present their recommendations to the Board of Trustees.

3.  If the recommendation of the President and the recommendation of the Tenure and Promotion Committee are to deny the application, no presentation to the Board of Trustees is required, and the President will notify the faculty member of the decision in writing along with the reason for denial.

4.  A denial of a promotion does not prohibit a subsequent application during a following term. There is no appeal from a denial of a promotion.

5.  When the Board of Trustees has taken formal action approving a promotion, the President shall write the letter of promotion to the faculty member and a copy will be sent to the Department Chair and Divisional Dean.

6.  Timeline: Promotion Application Process

Sept. 1       Notification to VPAA of intent to apply for 

Oct. 15       Submit application and supporting materials to 
Oct. 21       Department Chair letter for candidates due to 
              Divisional Dean with supporting materials;
              Department Chair’s application for promotion 
              due to Dean;
Nov. 1        Divisional Dean letter with supporting 
              materials due to VPAA;
              VPAA notifies T&P Committee of candidate’s 
              application and provides supporting materials;
Nov. 15       T&P Committee deadline to meet;
Dec. 12       T&P Committee makes recommendation to VPAA and         	       
              arranges to meet with VPAA;
Dec. 20      Deadline for T&P Committee to meet with President
             to make recommendation.  
Updated on April 3, 2023

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