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Tuition and Other Financial Information

Policy Author:
Student Accounts

Responsible Office – Department:
Business Affairs; Student Accounts

Effective Date of Policy:
March 5, 2025

Financial Information & Expenses

All students are charged applicable full time, part time, certificate, or graduate tuition and applicable fees based on current year rates. All rates are published on the Daemen Student Accounts website and on the Daemen University Academic Catalog.

Daemen University offers the same tuition rate for in-state, out-of-state, and international students.

Tuition statements are available online through the student’s Self-Service account. Students may permit others to have access as Authorized User(s), if desired.

Audit Policy

Regular and part-time students may audit courses by completing and filing with the Registrar the Permission to Audit form, by including the courses as AUDIT on their semester load, and by paying the appropriate fee(s), if applicable.

Subject to available space, Daemen University also welcomes alumni and senior citizens to audit classes free of  tuition charges, although the payment of appropriate university fees (for materials, labs, etc.) may be required.  Students may change their status in any credit course to that of an audit by filing with the Registrar’s Office the appropriate Drop/Add form, up to and including the last date for authorized withdrawal from a course. Consult the Academic Calendar for the applicable drop/add  dates. Auditing of courses is subject to the permission of the instructor.

Special Tuition:

Audited courses or non-credit hour courses are billed at 50% of the current per credit hour tuition rate for academic level (undergraduate or graduate).

Senior Audit (Age: 55):  No charge for tuition (university fees, lab fees, studio fees, etc. may be required)

Alumni Audit: No cost for tuition  (university fees, lab fees, studio fees, etc. may be required)

Residence and Board

Daemen University provides housing options for full-time degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students by agreement which must be renewed each academic year (see Residential Living policies for more information.)  Housing and meal plans are charged to students each semester according to current rates which are published on the Daemen Student Accounts website and in the Daemen University Academic Catalog.

Program/Course and Special Fees

Program and/or Course fees are charged to students enrolled in certain programs or courses as outlined in the Daemen University Academic Catalog. Additional fees may be charged for applications, challenge examinations, and credit for learning from life experiences (CLLE) assessments, among others. Fees may be applied for late payment, returned payments (non-sufficient funds), or for payment plan set up. 

Financial Agreements

The University may or will  change its schedule of tuition, residence, board, program and course fees as well as special fees annually.  Resident students are also financially responsible for any damage the student causes to university property. Similarly, non-resident students are also financially responsible for any damage attributable to them.


Students are expected to make payment arrangements with the Office of Student Accounts (Duns Scotus Hall, Room 112) by the due date stated on their Self-Service billing statement for semester charges less any financial aid and/or bank loans. A late payment fee will be assessed if arrangements are made after this date.  

Payment can be made in person by check or cash at the Office of Student Accounts, Duns Scotus Hall, Room 112, 4380 Main Street, Amherst, New York 14226.

Online payments through Self-Service can be made by electronic check (ACH) or by credit/debit card. 

All financial obligations must be settled in full before any claim is made for a degree, or semester grade reports. Students will be charged for collection agency fees and reasonable attorney fees incurred in enforcing the collection of any and all outstanding amounts owed to the University.

Withdrawals and Refunds

 The University views registration as the student’s official statement of intent to enroll in a subsequent semester. Therefore, once registered, the student is financially obligated for the payment of all applicable tuition and fees unless a Notice of Intent to Withdraw form is filed in the Office of Academic Advisement, Room 108 of the Research & Information Commons. The date of withdrawal will in every case be considered the date on which a Notice of Intent to Withdraw form has been filed. Should a student fail to follow the withdrawal procedure outlined above, no refund will be made. The tuition refund policy for all students will be as follows:

  • Prior to and within the first week of classes 100%
  • Within the second week 80%
  • Within the third week 60%
  • Within the fourth week 40%
  • Within the fifth week 20%
  • After the fifth week No Refund

Students or parents who feel that individual circumstances warrant an exception to the published policy may submit a written request indicating the special circumstances to the Bursar of Daemen University, who will respond within seven days.

Credit for Financial Aid

It is the student’s responsibility to complete all arrangements for any financial aid that he or she may be eligible to receive. Credit toward university bills for financial aid awards will be given when the payment or award notice, approved by the appropriate agency, is received by the Office of Student Accounts, Room 112, Duns Scotus Hall. The student must resolve any financial aid and university bill discrepancies through consultation with the Financial Aid Office and the Office of Student Accounts.

Updated on March 6, 2025

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