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  3. Unauthorized Camping on University Property

Unauthorized Camping on University Property

Policy Author:
Dr. Kerry Spicer, Vice President for Student Affairs

Responsible Office-Department:
Student Affairs

Effective Date of Policy:
August 26, 2024

Purpose of this Policy

Daemen University is committed to providing a clean, aesthetically pleasing, healthy, hygienic, safe, educational, and living environment to carry out its educational mission. This policy enables the University to control its buildings and grounds in a way that is consistent with the procedure outlined in University’s Reserving Facilities Form.


This policy applies to all Daemen University students, faculty, staff, affiliates, contractors, and visitors.


Camping is not permitted on University or affiliated-owned or leased grounds, in or under University structures, or in University buildings except under the approved circumstances below. This policy applies to all Daemen University students, faculty, staff, affiliates, contractors, and visitors.

Camping is defined as:

  1. The establishment of, or attempt to establish, temporary or permanent living quarters on any University property other than residence halls, apartments, or University-managed housing.
  2. Sleeping outdoors with or without bedding, tent, hammock, or similar device, structure, protection, or equipment between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
  3. Sleeping overnight in or under any parked vehicle.
  4. Establishing or maintaining outdoors, or in or under, any structure not designated for human occupancy, at any time during the day or night, a temporary or permanent place for cooking, storing of personal belongings, or sleeping by setting up bedding, sleeping bags, mattress, tent or other sleeping equipment, or by setting up any cooking equipment that has not been approved by the University.

Procedures for Policy Implementation:

  • Campus Safety is responsible for addressing any non-compliance with this policy by all persons and may address violations of this policy that constitute criminal trespass or any other violation of law.
  • Student Affairs is responsible for addressing non-compliance with this policy by Daemen University students.
  • Employee Engagement is responsible for addressing non-compliance with this policy by Daemen University employees.
  • Students, faculty, and staff may be referred to discipline for alleged violation of this Policy.


Actions that constitute Camping as defined above may be permitted in (a) A request for exemption to this policy must be made in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs or their designee; or (b) in extraordinary and unpredictable circumstances, such as times of natural disaster, when approved in writing in advance by the President of the University or their designee.

Updated on August 26, 2024

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